Monday 29 April 2013

Journal - Part 2

This course has been about so much more than Graphic Design which is a huge and interesting subject in itself. Frank impressed on us the idea of having an online CV of our work which speaks for itself far more than anything you could put down on paper. Not just one CV but many strands, including a blog, a website, a LinkedIn page, a dedicated email address and an AboutMe page which links all of them together. The course took a huge subject and focused in on specific aspects every week. The ongoing projects forced us not to let projects pile up but think about each one, knowing we had to come up with the goods the following week. For such a diverse subject. it was extremely well organised and piqued my interest to explore it in more depth. The Interactive Design projects in particular made me aware of how central Graphic Design is in modern commercial life. I'll never look at an advertising poster or ticket booth the same way again!

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