Monday 14 January 2013

Postcard Campaign - Binge Drinking

This project which focuses on attempts to make people, young people in particular, aware of the dangers of binge drinking immediately made me think of the threats to young women and men on the streets at night when everyone pours out of nightclubs. It reminded me of a friend telling me about a young woman she saw lying on the street one night, comatose with drink, wearing one shoe.

There's no point telling young people that their livers might give up in their fifties. Young people mostly think you should be dead in your fifties anyway....or making drink more expensive. They'll always find a way to get it. But the prospect of being seriously harmed might make an impact. Here, a young girl, helpless after a night's drinking sees three young guys who, in her innocence, she hopes might help her get home. They see a vulnerable young woman out of control and have other things on their mind. The theme could easily be reversed to depict a vulnerable young man.

I used Photoshop CS6 for this project, using four different images. I used various selection tools, masks, blends and Refine Edge to put them all together to create the final image.

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