Tuesday 26 February 2013

Interface Design - Kiosk Design 2 - Personas

Personas, in the world of user experience design, identify and paint detailed key customer profiles and so help designers and information architects best identify the behaviour, desire and expectations of a specific group of customers or potential users.

In this project, to design a ticket kiosk for the proposed Metro North stations, I've taken a group of individuals with varying needs in relation to the use of the kiosk.This can be referred to in the design process to ensure that all needs are satisfied in the final design.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Information Design - Instructional

The brief was to create a design which would give instruction on how to carry out a particular task - first using images only and then adding text. I couldn't believe it when I came across a website dedicated entirely to different methods of tying shoelaces - http://www.fieggen.com/shoelace/lacing.htm. I traced the diagrams in Illustrator but wish I'd changed the colours as it looks like I just copied the drawings. I promise I didn't!

Tuesday 19 February 2013